Video Release „Sun“

Aug. 31st, 2008

This friday the screening of the first beeswax polish music video took place in the werkzeugH in Vienna. I’d say it was quite a success and we had a very good time. The video will be online on this page as soon as I figure out how to without screwing up the layout. Until then you can watch it on our new youtube channel which was created with the help of the viral marketing guru schmeiduch markus. enjoy!

Edit: You can watch the video now in the video section of this site.

happy birthday beeswax polish!

Aug. 3rd, 2008

it’s hard to believe but we’ve had our first concert on august 1st 1998, which means BSWX has celebrated its 10th birthday!

website update + news

Juli 27th, 2008

hey folks,

here we are with a brandnew design of we decided to choose a wordpress-based homepage for easy maintenance and content management. if you’re wondering why i’m writing in english – we also decided to have an international english page. we archived a lot of old german news and concert-reviews though, you can find the complete german news archive HERE .

the biggest change besides the new structure and design is the new ONLINE-STORE… hoooorraaay! you can buy our still brand-new EP ‚kings & idiots‘, our also new t-shirts and buttons either by simple bank transfer or by paypal. happy shopping!